Privacy Policy
B-Sight follows strict rules to protect our clients' personal data. We collect it in accordance with the GDPR requirements as well as other data protection regulations. Our company uses it solely to provide more efficient services and improve the website functionality.

What We Mean by Personal Data

We interpret personal data as any data that relates to an identified or identifiable person.

What Data We Collect

We may collect the following types of personal data:

  • Contact information: first name, last name, email address, phone number, company name;
  • Device and browser data: IP address, operating system version, device type, browser type, system and performance information, cookies;
  • Information about the web pages visited on and it's URL address;
  • Information about your current location

How We Collect Data

User data may be collected directly by us (via the contact form) or with the help of third parties, such as analytics providers (Google Analytics and Yandex Metrika), advertising networks (Google Ads, Bing Ads, etc.), social networks (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter) and search engines (Google, Yandex).

How We Use the Collected Data

By the means of the collected user data we:

  • enrich our website functionality and improve our services;
  • make our content more captivating and our offerings more personalised;
  • improve UX and UI of our products;
  • build communication with our clients and provide comprehensive and personalised responses to their requests.

How We Use Cookies

We use cookies (pieces of data sent by a website and stored on the user's device while browsing) to track user traffic and behavioural patterns on Using cookies, B-Sight can improve user experience and single out pages most visited by users.

Apart from that, cookies allows us to make our content and services more personalized on the basis of user data. The majority of web browsers accept cookies by default and it can be disabled in the browser settings.

Information Transfer

B-Sight doesn't transfer any individual user data to any third party, except for complying with corresponding laws or legal acts, or protecting the users' personal data.

Data Protection

B-Sight's website has advanced user data security measures to prevent data loss or theft. The user information is available only for B-Sight's top management to use for client interactions.


We may update this privacy policy at times in order to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons at our discretion.


B-Sight welcomes your comments and questions on this statement. Please do not hesitate to contact us via

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Privacy Policy
Track. Analyse. Perfect.